PhD Program in Business

Operations & Decision Analytics

Operations & Decision Analytics

The doctoral specialization in Operations & Decision Analytics (ODA) is designed to prepare students for academic careers by providing training on requisite operations research and analytics methodologies as well as foundational skills in mathematics and economics. Graduates of this program will be ready for tenure-track professorial positions at research-first business schools within departments that specialize in areas that include, but are not limited to, operations management, supply chain management, decision sciences, and business analytics.

Students with a background and undergraduate- and/or master-level degrees in mathematics, all engineering and science disciplines, and/or economics, who aspire to pursue research-focused academic careers are particularly encouraged to apply. Admitted students will be awarded guaranteed funding for five years (assuming satisfactory progress towards end degree) as well as a stipend, will work with and be trained by Operations Management (OM) faculty within the Narendra Paul Loomba Department of Management, and are expected to conduct research publishable in premier OM journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

The typical duration to complete a PhD in ODA is five years. During the first two to three years, students are expected take foundational courses in mathematics and economics at The Graduate Center, CUNY, as well as area-specific foundational courses in deterministic and stochastic optimization and OM research seminars taught by the OM faculty at Zicklin. Students will advance to candidacy upon successful competition of the qualifying and comprehensive exam requirements with written and oral components, which are typically taken after the first and second year of studies, respectively. Students will also have the option to take courses from and conduct research with faculty at other NYC-area universities as part of the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium agreement. Years three to five of doctoral studies are typically devoted to dissertation work.    

Currently, the main research areas of the OM faculty include innovative operations applications in healthcare, retail and services, operations-marketing-economics interface, revenue management and pricing, supply chain management, behavioral operations. The OM faculty will offer a rotating schedule of research seminars in select semesters, which emphasize state-of-the-art developments in these research areas. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with leading OM scholars by participating in the OMEGA Research Seminar Series

Prof. Tolga Aydinliyim (Operations & Decision Analytics Area Coordinator)

For PhD admissions inquiries contact the PhD Program Office


Sample Course Schedule
Course Descriptions