Every year, the doctoral program in Business awards a few Graduate Center Fellowships. Currently The Graduate Center Fellowships provide students with tuition and $27,374 each year for the first five years of study.
What kinds of financial aid are available?
Most of the financial assistance given to our students is given in the form of research assistantships, which range up to $27,374 per academic year. In order to receive these assistantships students work 7.5 hours per week for a professor in their area of specialization.
The service assignments associated with the Graduate Center Fellowship are intended to develop scholarly and professional skills. In the first year, Graduate Center Fellows serve as research assistants or in other assignments determined by his or her doctoral program. In the second, third, and fourth years, fellows teach one course each semester in the undergraduate program at Baruch College. In the fifth year, Graduate Center Fellows serve in a non-teaching assignment. All Graduate Center Fellows receive full tuition up to 16 credits per semester in their first year of study. All Graduate Center Fellows who are international students receive full tuition up to 16 credits per semester for the four remaining years of this fellowship.
If U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents who are Graduate Center Fellows choose not to establish New York State residency following their first year, they must pay the difference between the full in-state tuition which they will receive and the out-of-state tuition rate they will be charged.
There are also several fellowships available from the Graduate Center. We cover tuition. Summer support is also available.
Second, third, and fourth year students combine teaching with half-time research assistantships to make up their financial support. There are also many opportunities available as adjunct lecturers during the summer.
Can the application fee be waived?
We are sorry, but the application fee cannot be waived. Your application will not be processed without it.
Can I work full-time while I complete the program?
Because the program is full-time and day-time, most students do not work while completing the program. We do offer research assistantships, and there are many opportunities for adjunct teaching during the summer months.
How do I apply for financial aid?
All students in the Ph.D. Program in Business are automatically considered for financial aid.
Application for financial assistance can be downloaded from http://www.gc.cuny.edu/admin_offices/finaid/index.htm.
How likely am I to get financial aid?
All students in the Ph.D. Program in Business who need financial assistance receive it.
What is the tuition for the Ph.D. Program in Business?
Please visit the Graduate Center web site for detail information about the tuition and fee schedules at http://www.gc.cuny.edu/current_students/tuition_curnt_stdnts.htm. Our financial aid package comes with a minimum of 4 years of financial aid.
The program offers a range of research grants and awards using a variety of funding of sources. Students are encouraged to apply after consulting with their advisers.