PhD Program in Business

PhD Project – Baruch College Research Symposium (April 28 – 29, 2022)

Call for Participants

Fourth PhD Project – Baruch College Research Symposium

The PhD Project and Baruch College at the City University of New York invite doctoral students who are members of the PhD Project Doctoral Students Associations to apply to participate in the fourth annual PhD Project Baruch College Research Symposium in New York City. Accepted students will be designated PhD Project – Baruch College Doctoral Research Fellows. The symposium will be held in-person April 28 – 29, 2022, in New York City. The event is free of charge for accepted students, including air travel and two nights of hotel accommodation.

The purpose of the symposium is to complement the PhD Project’s efforts to enhance diversity and inclusion in business education by striving to reduce the significant underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans on the faculties of business schools in the US and around the world. Participating in this conference will provide you with an excellent opportunity to further develop your research scholarship, which will help with positioning yourself in the job market for a faculty position at research-oriented business schools when you complete your doctoral studies. Participants will begin to build life-long relationships with other students and faculty mentors who will help them become leaders within the business disciplines and research communities.

The PhD Project – Baruch College Research Symposium will help participating students advance their research projects. Baruch / CUNY faculty members who are leading research scholars in their respective fields will be paired with student presenters and discuss their papers and offer feedback and suggestions with the goal of bringing the manuscripts closer to possible publication in a quality academic research journal. Baruch research scholars will be available throughout the event to talk to participants about their research and ideas and to facilitate initiating new projects among student fellows and faculty mentors with shared interests.

Application Instructions:

In order to be eligible for this symposium you must be a current member of a PhD Project doctoral student association. Interested students should submit their updated CV and either research-in-progress or a completed research paper by email to (please put ‘PhD Project Baruch Research Symposium – Paper Submission’ in the subject line). Submitted manuscripts must be original and not already published. Students who already participated in one of our previous symposiums are welcome to submit again as long as it is a new or significantly different paper. However, preference will be given to new presenters. Manuscripts should not exceed ten pages (single-spaced, inclusive of cover page, figures, tables, and references). Submitted manuscripts should summarize an ongoing or completed research project and include a clearly stated research question with an explanation of its importance, discussion of theory and methods, as well as findings and implications.

Important Dates

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2022.

Students will be notified of acceptance by March 25, 2022.

Agenda 2022