Global Zicklin

New York Smart. World-Class Ready.


Southwest University of Finance and Economics

Location: Chengdu, China

Baruch-SWUFE 2+2 BBA program: Established in 2011, students begin their degree by spending two years at SWUFE, then they matriculate at Baruch College for the last two years of the program to complete their Baruch BBA degree.

Baruch-SWUFE 3+1 BBA program: Established in 2015, students spend their first three years at SWUFE and matriculate at Baruch College for the last year to complete their BBA degree.

Peking University HSBC Business School

Location: Shenzhen, China

Baruch-PHBS MBA/MSF program: Established in 2016, students start the program at Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS). In the middle of the program, they spend a year earning their Master’s of Finance degree from Baruch College in New York City. After they’ve received their MS degree, they return to PHBS to complete their MBA degree.

Renmin University of China

Location: Beijing, China

Baruch-Renmin MBA/MSF program: Established in 2017, students begin their studies at Renmin University of China. In the middle of the program, they spend a year earning their Master’s of Finance degree from Baruch College in New York City. After they’ve received their MS degree, they return to Renmin University to complete their MBA degree.

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Location: Beijing, China

Baruch-USTB MBA-MSF program: Established in 2017, students begin their studies at University of Science and Technology Bejing (USTB). In the middle of the program, they spend a year earning their Master’s of Finance degree from Baruch College in New York City. After they’ve received their MS degree, they return to USTB to complete their MBA degree.