Zicklin Graduate Admissions

Baruch Paths to MS

The Paths to MS provides a streamlined admissions process for Baruch undergraduate students and recent alumni. Candidates that meet the criteria are eligible to have letters of recommendations waived for their application.

  Application checklistCompare ms programs 

Eligibility criteria:
  1. Current undergraduate senior or recent alumni* of Baruch College
  2. Qualifying cumulative Baruch undergraduate GPA of 3.3

* Recent alumni consideration:
–  Alumni must have graduated from Baruch within a year of intended start of master’s program.

Letters of Recommendation Waiver Instructions:

While you might be eligible for the letters of recommendation to be waived, our application system still requires applicants to provide the first and last name of two recommenders. To get around this, please type “Waiver Requested” into the recommender name fields.  You must also check ‘No’ as a response to the question “Will this provider be submitting the letter of recommendation online?”