Master of Science Degrees

Master’s in Information Systems

In all organizations, regardless of their industry or size, technology is critical to creating maximum efficiency, fostering innovation, and providing a strategic edge. This technological imperative means that all managers, no matter their role, need to understand technology and its strategic role in order to succeed. The MS in Information Systems provides comprehensive coverage of both the technical knowledge and strategic know-how that are required for today’s analysts and managers who need to be able to speak to both the managerial and the technical teams in their organizations. Candidates are considered with a Bachelor’s degree with a major in any field; no prior technical experience is needed.

The MS in IS degree also allows Baruch students with undergraduate degrees in Accountancy to pursue NYS CPA-certification. Find out more here.

Program Highlights
  • 31.5 credits
  • Minimum completion time 3 semesters, which could include 2 semesters plus one summer, depending on course availability
  • Specialized concentrations are available in Data Analytics and Cybersecurity 
  • Qualifies for Department of Homeland Security OPT Extension for STEM International Students
Career Outcomes
Companies that employ Zicklin graduates

Bank of America, Citi, Audible, BlackRock, Charter Communications, Colgate Palmolive, IBM, SiteCompli, Viacom


Data Scientist, Information Security Consultant, Business Intelligence Analyst, Institutional Research Analyst, Data Science Project Manager, IT Project Manager, Systems Specialist, Digital Project Manager

Visa Extension for STEM International Students

The MS in IS conforms to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program that qualifies eligible international graduates on student visas for an optional practical training extension of 24-months. Find out more here.

MS in IS
MS in IS with Concentration in Data Analytics
MS in IS with Concentration in Cybersecurity

Office of Graduate Admissions

Address: 151 E. 25th St. Room 820 (between Lexington and Third Avenues)
Phone: (646) 312-1300
Fax: (646) 312-1301
Website: Graduate Admissions