Zicklin Undergraduate Programs

BPL 5100 Enrollment Criteria

ALL the following requirements must be met to enroll in BPL 5100:
  1. Completion of at least 105 credits by the start of the semester that you will take BPL 5100.
    • Credits applied on Degree Works include credits completed + credits in-progress.
  2. Completion of list courses required to take 4000+level business courses (if applies to you)
  3. Completion of all the following Zicklin Core business base courses.
    • ACC 2203 (for non-Accounting majors) or ACC 3200 (for Accounting majors and students who completed the course before switching out of Accounting)
    • FIN 3000
    • MGT 3120
    • MKT 3000
    • OPM 3000 (formerly MGT 3121)
  4. Completion of, OR concurrent enrollment (not waitlisted), in the capstone course for your major.
    • If your major is not listed below, you cannot enroll for BPL 5100.

There are no exceptions.

Dropping the below co-requisite major course(s) for your major will drop you from BPL 5100 as well.

Accountancy Pre/Co-req: ACC 5400
Computer Information Systems – General CIS Pre/Co-req: CIS 5800
Computer Information Systems – Data Analytics Pre/Co-req: CIS 4400
Computer Information Systems – Information Risk Management and Cybersecurity Pre/Co-req: CIS 4350
Economics Pre-req: ECO 3100 and ECO 3200 and ECO 4000 AND
ECO 4100 or ECO 4200 or ECO 4201 or ECO 4051 or ECO 4010 or ECO 4120
Finance Pre/Co-req: FIN 4610 or FIN 4710
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Pre/Co-req: PSY 4010 or PSY 4013 or PSY 4181 or PSY 4182 or PSY 4183 or PSY 4184 or PSY 4185
International Business Pre/Co-req: IBS 5750
Management – Entrepreneurship Pre/Co-req: ENT 5985
Management – Human Resource Management Pre/Co-req: MGT 3300 AND MGT 3800 AND MGT 4400
Management – Operations Management Pre/Co-req: OPM 4500 (formerly MGT 4500)
Marketing – Advertising and Marketing Communications Pre/Co-req: MKT 5750
Marketing – Digital Marketing Pre/Co-req: MKT 5750
Marketing – General Marketing Pre/Co-req: MKT 5750
Marketing – International Marketing Pre/Co-req: MKT 5750
Marketing – Marketing Analytics Pre/Co-req: MKT 5750
Real Estate Pre/Co-req: RES 3900 AND (RES 4093 or RES 4200 or RES 4400 or RES 4550 or RES 4900)
Statistics and Quantitative Modeling Pre/Co-req: (CIS 3100 or STA 3000) AND OPR 3450 AND (STA 3155 or STA 4155)


BPL 5100 section full? Add your name to the WAITLIST.
Enrolled in Business Base Course On ePermit or Winter/Summer I