Zicklin Undergraduate Programs

Unit Overload

Students will submit a request form online (only available during registration). Please review Important Dates for when requests are reviewed. Eligible students will be notified via Baruch email.


To qualify for a unit overload, students must have earned a 3.5 Baruch GPA or higher and have no unresolved grades (e.g. PEN or INC).

  • Spring/Fall semesters: Students are allowed to enroll up to 18 credits. Overload permission is required for up to 3 additional units for a total of 21 units.
  • Summer sessions: Students are allowed to enroll 2 courses in summer session I and 2 courses in summer session II/III. Overload permission is required for a third course in one session for a maximum of five courses for the whole summer.  Note: A summer session III course counts as a summer session II course.
  • Winter intersession: Students are allowed to enroll up to two courses. No overload is allowed. 

Once classes begin, students are not allowed to add/drop/change any courses during the semester they are approved and enrolled in unit overload. There are no exceptions to this policy.

You are visiting this site while you are off-Campus or on the Baruch Wireless Network.

If you are a Baruch Student, you will need to use the Baruch College Student Remote Access portal to access this form. Access the portal here https://vdi.baruch.cuny.edu/students

Student Remote Access portal Information and Instructions