Please allow 3-5 business days for processing by our office. Once processed, your major will be updated on DegreeWorks in 5-7 business days.
Must Be Officially Accepted into Zicklin
Do not use this form if you have an intended major, completing pre-business courses, and have not been officially accepted into Zicklin. You will have to submit a change of intended major form to the Office of the Registrar to declare or change your intended plans (major and/or minor).
Deadline to Submit Major Change Request and for TAP Compliance effective Fall 2024: September 17, 2024
Submissions after this date will be processed in October 2024, effective for Winter 2025.
Declaration or Change of Minor for TAP recipients
Do not use this form. Declaration or change of minors for TAP recipients must be made at the Office of the Registrar.
Changing from a non-Marketing major to Marketing? Or Changing your Marketing Track?
Due to a change in the marketing major curriculum effective Summer 2022, students who change their major:
- From non-Marketing to Marketing or
- From one Marketing track to another Marketing Track
Will be required to follow the new curriculum. Students who wish to follow the prior curriculum may file an appeal explaining why you should be allowed to follow the prior curriculum, and the Zicklin Undergraduate Committee on Academic Standing will determine if they will approve the appeal.
Plan Change Request
The plan change request should automatically load below. If it does not load, you will need to use a campus computer.
You are visiting this site while you are off-Campus or on the Baruch Wireless Network.
If you are a Baruch Student, you will need to use the Baruch College Student Remote Access portal to access this form. Access the portal here
Student Remote Access portal Information and Instructions
You are visiting this site while you are off-Campus or on the Baruch Wireless Network.
If you are a Baruch Student, you will need to use the Baruch College Student Remote Access portal to access this form. Access the portal here
Student Remote Access portal Information and Instructions