Zicklin Undergraduate Programs

Graduating Senior Course Request Form

Special consideration will be given to FINAL semester Zicklin students that are on the waitlist or if the waitlist is full (Business Courses ONLY). Students already enrolled in a course and are requesting for a seat in another section of the same course will be skipped. Submitting a request does not guarantee a seat in the preferred section.

When submitting a senior request form, please include the course, section, and class number (example: CIS 5800, BMWA, 12461).

You are visiting this site while you are off-Campus or on the Baruch Wireless Network.

If you are a Baruch Student, you will need to use the Baruch College Student Remote Access portal to access this form. Access the portal here https://vdi.baruch.cuny.edu/students

Student Remote Access portal Information and Instructions