Zicklin Undergraduate Programs

Accountancy BBA


The accounting major in the BBA program prepares students for financial and accounting positions in private industries, nonprofit organizations, and city, state, and federal governments. The program provides

  • a general liberal arts and sciences background,
  • a foundation in general business practice,
  • an understanding of accounting concepts and theory.
Business Base
ACC 2101 Principles of Accounting 3
ACC 3202 Accounting Information Systems 3
BPL 5100 Business Policy 3
BUS 2000

(formerly BUS 1011)

Business Fundamentals: The Contemporary Business Landscape 3
CIS 2200 Introduction to Information Systems and Technology 3
FIN 3000 Principles of Finance 3
LAW 1101 Fundamentals of Business Law 3
MKT 3000 Marketing Foundations 3
MGT 3120 Fundamentals of Management 3
OPM 3000 Service Operations Management 3
Accountancy Track

Accounting Analytics Track