Zicklin Undergraduate Programs

Industrial/Organizational Psychology BBA

The major in industrial/organizational psychology is a broadbased one. It offers courses in all areas of psychology while emphasizing the field of industrial/organizational psychology. This major is within the Zicklin School of Business. All BBA requirements apply.

For many students, the BBA in industrial/organizational psychology is a terminal degree. They may pursue careers in business, including sales, advertising, marketing, and human resource management. They may also pursue careers in a variety of governmental agencies or engage in public opinion or market research.

Some career objectives may require or recommend that the student pursue a master’s (MBA or MS) or PhD degree in industrial/organizational psychology.

PDF Version of Degree Requirements (entered Baruch prior to Fall 2021)
PDF Version of Degree Requirements (entered Baruch Fall 2021 or later)

Base Courses (6 credits)

No credit toward the major

PSY 1001 General Psychology 3
STA 2000 Business Statistics 3
Required Courses (16 credits)
PSY 3001 Research Methods in Psychology 4
PSY 3181 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3
PLUS three of the following:
PSY 3056 Social Psychology 3
PSY 3064 Personality and Individual Differences (formerly PSY 4061 Theories of Personality) 3
PSY 3067
Psychology of Motivation and Learning
PSY 3081 Cognitive Psychology 3
PSY 3082 Mind, Brain, and Behavior 3
Electives Courses (9 credits)

Three of the following

PSY 4010 Diversity in the Workplace 3
PSY 4013
Advanced Personnel Psychology
PSY 4184
Leadership and Managerial Development (formerly PSY 3184)
PSY 4182
Occupational Health Psychology
PSY 4185
Psychology of Organizational Training and Development
PSY 4181
Advanced Organizational Psychology
PSY 4183
Psychology of Career Development and Planning

NOTE: The PSY courses applied in this major will count towards the 54 business credit minimum instead of the 62 liberal arts credit minimum.

Faculty Advisors

Students with questions about the Industrial/Organizational Psychology major requirements can speak with one of the Psychology Department faculty advisors.