Graduate Advisement Hub

Zicklin School of Business

Academic Programs & Curriculum

The Office of Graduate Programs provides advising services for students in all Zicklin MBA and MS programs.

Select the menu option specific to your program for curriculum and registration information.  Students should follow the curriculum that is posted in the Graduate Bulletin for the semester and year they entered, unless otherwise notified by an advisor.

Please contact your academic/program advisor with any questions.

Graduate BulletinSpeak with an Advisor

Class Instruction Modes and Class Schedule:

Courses may be scheduled with in-person, hybrid, and online instruction.  Availability of each instruction mode will vary across programs.  Students should expect to take the majority of their degree program on campus (whether fully in-person or hybrid).  The Schedule of Classes will indicate the mode of instruction for each course, along with any additional notes a student may need to know for scheduling.

Students can find definitions for all possible instruction modes on the Schedule of Classes. *The Schedule of Classes is Subject to Change.

Schedule of Classes

Students Returning for a Second or Third Graduate degree from Zicklin (MS or MBA):


Second and Third Degree Students


Deadlines to Add/Drop/Swap/Withdrawal:

Academic Calendar