Graduate Advisement Hub

Zicklin School of Business

New Students

Dear New Students,

Welcome to the Zicklin School of Business! The Office of Graduate Programs provides advising services for students in all Zicklin MBA and MS programs. We look forward to working with you throughout your time at Baruch.

New Student Checklist:
☑ Immunization
  • All students need to submit proof of MMR immunization and proof or waiver for Meningitis immunization before registering for classes.
  • You cannot attend classes until your immunization requirements have been satisfied.
☑ New Student Advisement
  • All new MBA and MS students have the opportunity to meet with an advisor to review the curriculum, seek advice about first semester enrollment, and ask questions about course evaluations.
☑ Baruch Technology Access
  • Activate your CUNYfirst account.
  • Access your Brightspace account.
  • Activate and access your Baruch Username and BaruchMail student email account.
☑ Evaluation Process
  • MBA General students do not receive an evaluation. MBA General students are not eligible for course waivers.
Admit Term Evaluation Process
Fall June – August
Spring November – January
  • Evaluations are processed on a rolling basis dependent on date of deposit and full admittance into the program.
☑ Course Registration
  • Full Time MBA and Online MBA students do not need to register themselves in CUNYfirst as this process is facilitated for them by their Academic Advisor.
Admit Term Course Registration
Fall June – August
Spring December – January
Summer (Online MBA only) May – June
  • While some new students may start registering for courses upon activating their CUNYfirst account, there are select programs that need to wait for an academic evaluation from the Office of Graduate Programs prior to registering.
☑ Financial Aid & Billing
  • Financial Aid Graduate Information
    • For questions related to financial aid, please email:
  • Billing & Payment Options
    • To view and pay your bill, go to your student center on CUNYfirst. Click on the Finances tab and scroll down to the current semester.
    • For questions related to fees/payments, please email:
  • Residency
    • Tuition charges are determined by a student’s residency status in New York State.
    • The Office of Graduate Admissions classifies incoming students as either in-state or out-of-state.
    • Students who wish to appeal their classification should submit the required residency form and supporting documentation to the Residency Unit in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
☑ Student ID Card
  • All students who take classes at Baruch College must have a Baruch issued ID Card.
  • New students must go to the ID Card Center to have their ID card photo taken.
  • All students must have registered and paid their tuition before they can get a Baruch ID card.
☑ Pre-Program Prep
  • For students interested in pre-MBA/MS preparation, there are a number of programs available online and through Baruch College.
☑ Access the Baruch College Virtual Bookstore
  • Student Order GuideIf you are unsure how to use the system to order books and materials, please refer to the Student Order Guide.
  • You are not required to use the online bookstore and may choose to shop for your books at the stores of your choice.
  • If you have questions about books or course materials, contact the faculty member assigned to teach your course via email. 
☑ Orientation
  • Attend orientation to learn about academic expectations, start working on professional development, and engage with faculty, staff, and students.
  • Orientation information will be sent to the email you used to apply for the program.
  • Click the link pertinent to your specific program in the table below for orientation details.
New Student Orientation
Evening MBA & MS Programs Orientation CLICK HERE
Full Time MBA Orientation CLICK HERE
International Student Orientation

Students will receive an email from the ISSC with more information.

Online Degree Programs  Orientation


Students will receive an email with more information.