Graduate Advisement Hub

Zicklin School of Business


➤ View Your Specific Registration Date & Time:
  1. Sign into CUNYfirst
  2. Click on “Student Center”
  3. Click on “Course Planning and Enrollment”
  4. Click on “Enrollment Dates”

Here you will find when your Enrollment Appointment begins.

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates (start of semester, last day to register, etc.)

 Note that additional fees may be assessed when registering for the first time or when making a schedule change during the first week of classes.

Academic Calendar

➤ When You Are Ready to Register:

Students do not have to meet with an advisor in order to register. They should review the information received in their program evaluation, advising email, and on the website.


Students will use Schedule Builder to register for classes.  Schedule Builder is accessed through the Student Center, once a student has logged into CUNYfirst.

  • To learn more about CUNYfirst and how to use Schedule Builder, view the videos and instruction guides provided by CUNY.
    • Click on “Student Resources” at the bottom of the page to review how to navigate CUNYfirst and register for classes.


Full-Time vs. Part-Time Enrollment

Course Modalities/Mode of Instruction