Graduate Advisement Hub

Zicklin School of Business

Academic Standing / Probation

All Baruch College graduate students are expected to maintain an overall GPA of 3.00 to be in good academic standing and to graduate. Those students who fall below an overall 3.00 GPA are considered to be on probation.

  • The College will begin to review the academic records of graduate students for the purpose of possible probation once they have achieved 12 credits.
  • If a student is placed on academic probation, a semester GPA of 3.00 will need to be maintained until an overall GPA of 3.00 is earned.
  • A student placed on academic probation should assess what contributed to falling below academic standards and take corrective measures (e.g. taking less course work in future semesters, repeat failed course(s), take a leave of absence, etc.) and should work closely with the advising team.
  • If a student who is on probation fails to earn at least a 3.00 semester GPA in any subsequent semester, the student will be academically dismissed.
  • Zicklin graduate students who are academically dismissed may appeal to the Zicklin Graduate Committee on Academic Standing to request reinstatement for a future term.
  • A grade of INC is not permitted.