The Weissman Center’s Advisory Council is composed of individuals who represent the highest level of achievement in a significant realm of international business. The Council meets twice a year to review Center activities and offer guidance to the College’s administrators and faculty. Council members and their enterprises take part directly in the Center’s work by hosting Baruch interns and providing expert speakers, as well as sponsoring and participating in Center programs and events. Current members of the Weissman Center Advisory Council are:
Robert J. Aquilina
Executive Vice President
Estee Lauder International, Inc.
Donald P. Brennan
Retired Chairman
Morgan Stanley Capital Partners
Anupam Ghose
Chief Executive Officer
System Two Advisor
Andreas F. Grein
Director, Weissman Center for International Business
Professor of Marketing and International Business
Henry G. Jarecki
Falconwood Corporation
Julian Johnson
Executive Vice President
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
John J. Kelly
President and CEO
Hanover Stone Partners, LLC
Cleve S. Langton
Chief Partnership Officer
Brodeur Partners Worldwide
Frank Lourenso
JPMorgan Chase
Terrence Martell
Director Emeritus, Weissman Center For International Business
Saxe Distinguished Professor of Finance
Chair, Baruch College Faculty Senate
Thomas Miele
Managing Director
Alliance Bernstein
Sven C. Oehme
President and CEO
European-American Business Organization, Inc.
Anouk Pappers
CEO of Signitt Founder of CoolBrands People
Vanja Radivojevic
Senior Manager
Data & Analytics | Management Consulting
Martin Rapaport
Chairman and CEO
Rapaport Diamonds
Leon Shivamber
Viper Drones
Howard I. Smith
Vice Chairman, Finance
C.V. Starr & Co.
Advisory Council Chairman
Leslie Stroh
Publisher, The Exporter
Chairman, Trade Finance Service Corporation
David Tendler
Partner, Tendler Beretz LLC Former Co-Chairman and CEO
Phibro-Salomon, Inc.
Vincent Tese
Premier American Bank
Sayu Ueno
President and C.E.O
Mitsui & Co.(U.S.A), Inc.
Yash Upadhyay
Data Analytics and Innovation, Risk Management Prudential Financial
Diane Whitty
Global Head of Philanthropy
JP Morgan Chase