Upcoming Programs- Spring 2025
Mitsui USA Lunch-Time Forum 173: Navigating Your Career with Confidence
172nd Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: Growing a Global Cosmetic Company
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: Eataly – Hospitality Experiences from Italy to New York
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: From Classroom to Boardroom: Navigating to a Career in Private Equity
Mitsui USA Lunch-Time Forum: The Green Economy: Evolving Trends in Energy Transition
Mitsui USA Lunch-Time Forum: From Foster Child to Global Entrepreneur: A Founder’s Tale
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: A Non-Traditional Path to Career Success
Mitsui Virtual Forum: The Power of Private Ownership: Lessons From a Career at KKR
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: A Day in the Life of International Business
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: The Ports of New York and New Jersey: Supporting World Trade
Mitsui USA Lunchtime Forum: Real Estate 101 from the Nation’s Top Broker
Mitsui USA Lunchtime Forum: Building and Leading Top Brands in a Post-Pandemic World.
Mitsui Virtual Forum: The Power of Private Ownership: Lessons From a Career at KKR
Mitsui Virtual Forum: Metaverse: How Will it Disrupt the Universe?
Mitsui Virtual-Time Forum: Risk, Learn, Grow: Insuring an Increasingly Uncertain Future
Mitsui Lunchtime Forum: How to be in Control of Your Online Presence
Mitsui Lunchtime Forum: Financial Success and Career Happiness: How to Achieve Both
Mitsui Forum: Redefining Relevance in the COVID-19 Environment
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: Lessons from a Successful Serial Entrepreneur
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: The Option Value of a Career in Financial Services
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: How to be in Control of Your Online Presence
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: Reputation Management: Why It Matters To You
Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum: Sustainable Investing, Is It Sustainable?