Understanding the Application to Study Abroad
Part by Part
The student profile section asks basic demographic information about you as well as information about your academic record, your major, minor, student status, etc. You only need to complete the Profile section once, regardless of how many specific Study Abroad Programs to which you wish to apply.
You are required to have a faculty recommendation submitted in support of your Baruch Application to Study Abroad. At the end of the “My Profile” section, you are asked to provide information about the faculty member you wish to ask submit the recommendation. The faculty recommendation form itself is fully online. The Baruch Study Abroad Office will contact the faculty member via email, and he/she will submit the recommendation using the online form. The faculty member should NOT submit a letter in either paper or as an email attachment, but should complete the recommendation ONLY using the Application Portal. Like your Profile, you only need to request one faculty recommendation, regardless of how many specific Study Abroad Programs to which you wish to apply.
You should contact the faculty member before you submit her/his name, to make certain that he/she is in a position to complete the recommendation.
On the Application form you will be asked to provide the name and institutional e-mail address (if possible) of the faculty member you will be asking to submit the recommendation, along with a list of the class(es) you have taken with her or him.
You may submit the name of any faculty member who has taught you within the previous two years in a disciplinary academic subject. For example, you could choose someone with an appointment in the English, Communications, History, Psychology, Finance, etc., department. The faculty member does NOT have to be on the Baruch faculty, nor does the faculty member need to be a full-time faculty member. If you are a transfer student, you may choose a professor from your previous institution, as long as the class you took from the faculty member was within the past two years. However, you may NOT choose an advisor or job supervisor to submit your faculty recommendation, unless that person is also a faculty member and you have taken a class with her/him within the past two years.
You should submit your Baruch Application to Study Abroad with the information about the faculty member by the application deadline. We will send the request to the faculty member only AFTER you have submitted your Baruch Application to Study Abroad. Consequently, the recommendation does NOT need to be submitted by the application deadline.
There is no specific deadline for the submission of the faculty recommendation. However, you should inform the faculty member that your Application to Study Abroad cannot be considered until we have received the faculty recommendation.
Please note: To ensure the confidentiality of the recommendation, the Application Portal generates a unique username and password. The username contains the name you give in the name field, and there are a limited number of characters for the automatically created username. Please give ONLY the name of the faculty member (for example, “Bernard Baruch” instead of “Prof. Bernard Baruch” or “Dr. Bernard Baruch”).
In the Programs section you will be asked to select the program(s) you wish to apply to. You can choose from the list of recommended programs in the Study Abroad Program database. If you wish to apply to university or sponsored program, you may also petition to be allowed to apply to a Study Abroad Program that is not listed. If you attempt to submit a petition, you will be prompted to set up an appointment with the Director of Study Abroad before you submit the full application.
In this section you will also be asked to provide detailed responses to prompts about the program and destination you have selected. You may apply to study abroad on as many programs as you like, but for each program you apply to you will need to submit responses relating to your goals for studying on that program in that country.
At Baruch College, credit for study abroad is awarded strictly on the basis of course equivalency. In other words, every course you take abroad must be approved for a specific Baruch course. This section of the Application to Study Abroad enables you to submit a Course Equivalency Approval Request (CEAR) for each course you wish to take abroad. CEARs are of two types:
- Previously approved courses (these are found in the Course Equivalency Database)
- Requests for approval of new courses (for these you must complete new CEAR forms)
The Course Equivalency Database contains ONLY those courses at the host institution or program that have been requested by Baruch students and approved for Baruch equivalent courses within the past 5 years. It is NOT a comprehensive list of all courses at that institution that could be approved for equivalent courses at Baruch. Every course listed in the Course Equivalency Database started out as a new CEAR. The Course Equivalency Database is a good place to start when looking for courses, but you must be prepared to look on the website of the host institution or Study Abroad Program to find additional courses that might be approved for Baruch courses you need or want to take. For more details, see the section on Course Equivalency Approval Requests
After you have completed all parts of your Baruch Application to Study Abroad, you will be prompted three times to submit it. We do this to enable you to review your application and make any corrections you wish. Once you have submitted your Application to Study Abroad, you will not be able to make any changes to it unless it is returned to you by the Study Abroad Office.