Weissman Center for International Business

Faculty & Staff Resources

A Note from the Study Abroad Director

What most distinguishes study abroad from study at Baruch is a focused, reflective interaction with the host culture. All of us who promote global education hope that the encounters our students have with a new cultural environment will help our students develop a more complexly reflective view of themselves and of the world. Yet for all that, study abroad remains study abroad. An important part of the mission of the Baruch Study Abroad Office is to ensure the academic integrity of the programs Baruch students attend and the courses they take while abroad.

Baruch faculty are indispensable to achieving this goal. These web pages are designed to provide some basic information about the strictly academic side of study abroad to those faculty members who might be less familiar with it. The Study Abroad Office works closely with Baruch faculty, and often calls upon its expertise and resources, to inform us about a given university or academic institution, to evaluate courses at these institutions and on other study abroad programs, to promote global education in general and study abroad in particular to their students, to help design programs for Baruch students, and to work towards integrating Baruch students’ study abroad experiences more thoroughly into their overall College education.

I would invite you to visit the other parts of our website to discover the procedures and policies governing study abroad at Baruch. I would welcome any suggestions as to how we might improve or further streamline the purely administrative aspects of study abroad, or expand or improve the range of programs available to our students.

Please know that I am always willing to assist you in whatever way I can, and hope that our fruitful collaboration will continue to grow.

Dr. Richard Mitten
Study Abroad Director

Request a Classroom Visit

Members of the Study Abroad Staff are available to speak to your classes about study abroad opportunities at Baruch. The presentations last 5-15 minutes, but we can adapt the length to accommodate the classroom time you might have available. We can also tailor the presentation to the specific topic or discipline of your class.

Topics covered by the presentation generally include:

    • Programs available, with emphasis on programs in your field
    • Eligibility to study abroad
    • Credit transfer
    • Scholarships and financial aid

Please contact the Study Abroad Office (study.abroad@baruch.cuny.edu) to schedule a classroom visit at least one week before the requested date.