- A First Look – Getting Started with the Digital Measures System. Learn how to log in and print a copy of your c.v. Use the printed copy to see what fields are actually necessary and which can be safely ignored. It’s good to print out your c.v. the first time you visit Digital Measures so that you can more easily figure out what updates you will need.
Please see “Printing Your VITA” in the section below.
- Update Your Information – Updating your c.v. data in the Digital Measures database
Please see “Changing Personal Information such as a change of office number and telephone extension” in the section below.
Printing your Vita
- To print your CV click on Reports.
- When you click on Reports a screen appears.
- Select the report to run. Change type of report to Vita-CUNY.
- Change the date range for publication and presentation to be included in the vita, such as 1996
- To print the report, click on Run Report.
- Look at your printed vita and decide where changes need to be made.
- If you would like to edit your vita later, please logoff.
Changing Personal Information such as a change of office number and telephone extension
- Click on Manage Your Activities, and then Personal and Contact Information
- Your name and contact information will appear. Key in your new office number and telephone extension.
- To save the changes click on SAVE.
- Return to main menu
- Click on Logoff as the final step to the process.
Changing Service Information in Digital Measures
- Click on Manage Your Activities, and scroll down until you see Service
- Click on the level that the service is being performed, such as school.
- To add a new committee click on ADD NEW ITEM.
- To save the changes, scroll down and click on SAVE
- Complete the information about the committee
- To Edit information about committee work click on the committee name you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit the Learning Assurance Committee to indicate you are no longer a member of the committee
- Key in the year your membership ended.
- To save the changes, scroll down and click on SAVE.
- Return to main menu.
- Click on Logoff as the final step to the process