Zicklin Research

WhyZicklin – Faculty Insights

Dr. Koufaris’s research focuses mainly on the determinants and consequences of technology user beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in different contexts. His work has been published in multiple leading journals, including Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, European Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Management Information Systems.

Professor Mahima Hada’s work on effect of franchisors’ strategies during the recession resulted in her being named the Lang Fellow in 2014. She serves on the ERB of Industrial Marketing Management and the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. She teaches Marketing Analytics and Marketing Fundamentals.

Professor Tambe Ebot’s research focuses on cybersecurity and social engineering.

Professor Sankar Sen’s research focuses on the role of morality on consumption behavior in the marketplace, and how consumers’ feelings and thoughts about right and wrong play into their consumption decisions.

Zicklin Spotlight Video Series

H. Fenwick Huss, Willem Kooyker Dean, Zicklin School of Business conducts thought leadership interviews with faculty and industry leaders on relevant business topics.




Zicklin Research Paper Series

The Zicklin School of Business Research Paper Series is a collaboration with the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). This Series allows the Zicklin School of Business to share the latest studies, research and findings from its faculty, who are thought leaders and experts in their fields, and to stimulate discussion on a wide range of business-related topics, such as accounting, finance, economics, entrepreneurship, international business, management, marketing, information technology, data science and analytics, business law, and real estate.

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