Zicklin Insights

Faculty Insights

We Need Ethical Banking in the Era of COVID-19 (originally published in Forbes)
By Nizan Geslevich Packin 
Associate Professor, Department of Law

In the current environment of medical and economic uncertainty, we all find ourselves desperately seeking safety and stability.  In such times of uncertainty, cash is king. And who are those fortunate enough to be trusted with that cash? Big banks.  

In contrast to the 2008 financial crisis in which they were blamed for being greedy and irresponsible, big banks are now perceived as safe, trusted institutions. This has led to a phenomenon described as a reverse run on the banks—more than $1 trillion in deposits poured into banks in 2020’s first quarter, with JPMorgan, Bank of America BAC, Wells Fargo WFC , and Citigroup C getting more than half of the funds.

We must be weary of big banks. Unlike the Fed, they are not entities striving to maximize social welfare. Instead, they are for-profit institutions. And in the absence of legal instruments designed to guarantee ethics in their activities, they operate to maximize profits. And regulators are ok with that; they will not intervene in banks’ activities so long as overall social welfare is not sufficiently negative. But in times like this, we need to be proactive, not reactive.

We are currently in a world where we are merely trusting banks to do the right thing. Although the government is clearly aimed at providing money to those who need it most, the banks do not prioritize goals such as financial equality. Nor do they prioritize financial inclusion, which is why I have argued that we should turn to FinTech to reach financially underserved populations. It is no surprise that banks did not, and frankly could not, distribute the money in the way that Congress intended. Banks do not even owe their customers a fiduciary duty.  Simply put, the banks have no legal requirement that imposes strict responsibilities upon them and prohibits them from competing with customers’ interests or taking advantage of customers’ opportunities. That must change.

We must impose on banks a fiduciary duty, and make them be more flexible with those facing financial difficulties. This includes providing relief to customers by deferring their repayment dates and extending loan periods. It does not include using the legislative mandate for this government program for banks’ profit maximization, or the reshaping of the American small businesses economic landscape.

The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated that we must regulate the banks instead of trust them to do the right thing. Indeed, they already have disappointed us. And they will continue to focus on profit maximizing absent appropriate regulation.  

First, banks were trusted with the relief checks that were direct deposited into tax-payers’ checking accounts. But because the money was not designated as exempt from garnishment under the CARES Act, many banks froze or seized the funds before consumers got them. In other words, the banks were taking stimulus money from the Americans who needed it most to repay bank debt. Scholars, commentators and politicians have expressed concerns about that practice. Several states have stepped in to help. Attorney Generals from Massachusetts, Ohio, Nebraska, and NY, issued guidance to correct the designation and prohibit banks from garnishing stimulus funds. Certain Governors, including Illinois’s, Oregon’s, Washington’s, and as of April 23rd California’s, issued executive orders to prevent garnishments of bank accounts. Similarly, various courts issued orders aiming to protect the payments. For example, Judge Steven Shaffer of the Circuit Court of Preston County, West Virginia, ordered the immediate release of frozen and seized stimulus funds, stating that the seizure violates Article III, Section 10 of West Virginia’s Constitution. He explained that the checks were intended to be used for food, utility bills and shelter. He is right. The funds were not meant to pay off overdraft and non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees, or cover debts, processed by debt collectors.

Second, banks have demonstrated their profit-maximizing culture by prioritizing larger customers in processing PPP loans. This bias proved harmful to many of the 30 million small American businesses, which employ 60 million people – about half of the private workforce. The PPP funds ran out in less than two weeks, and many small businesses did not get access to the funds. This was partly because loans of more than $1 million, which represented 4 percent of the loans approved, used up 45 percent of the distributed funds. Livid about their mistreatment, small business owners are now suing Bank of America, JP Morgan JPM, US Bank and Wells Fargo, claiming that they favored companies seeking higher loan amounts over them.

Alarmingly enough, just like pre-existing health disparities have caused minorities to be more susceptible to contract and die from COVID-19, putting big banks at the center of the PPP processing exacerbated unfair treatment of minority-owned business.  It was well-reported, that pre-existing financial disparity played out in the PPP administration and created more barriers for minority-owners of small businesses to get loans.  So rather than helping the smallest businesses that got hit the hardest, which is typical during recessions, banks used the PPP money to improve their relationships with their larger, sophisticated (and probably more important and profitable) customers.

Third, because the processing of PPP loans is a volume business that is limited primarily by a bank’s capacity to quickly process applications, many banks used substandard digital solutions to meet the urgent demand.  Because the banks know that they will probably end up putting most of the loans into the government program, they may not have been sufficiently motivated to properly inspect the borrowing entities.  Hopefully, our effort to get the money into the hands of business quickly did not incentivize blind lending.

In the absence of appropriate regulation that requires financiers to behave in the way we expect, we must resort to other tools to keep banks acting ethically. The primary tool available to us is public criticism. Public criticism often proves useful in pressuring banks to act more ethically towards their customers and it has been proving valuable during this pandemic crisis as well. Public criticism also proved efficient in pressuring customers that received unfair preferences in receiving funds to give up the benefits of their preferred treatment.

So if we see banks acting in a way that is unethical or unfair in the wake of this pandemic, it is our moral imperative to bring those practices to the public eye. Not only will such publicity potentially cause banks to self-correct, it will help highlight the fact that we must put the proper regulatory framework in place.


It is not only consumers and business that have trusted big banks to help us weather this recession, the government has turned to big banks too. In an effort to rapidly deploy money to those who need it most in connection with the recent CARES Act stimulus packages, the administration turned to and sought the advice of big banks. Big banks were at the center of distributing loans to small businesses under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and continue to form the backbone of the system for distributing additional aid, in what is the fourth COVID-19-related spending package.  The treasury department also used direct deposit to distribute individual stimulus checks (many of which went into the bigger banks). 

We must be wary of big banks. Unlike the Fed, they are not entities striving to maximize social welfare. Instead, they are for-profit institutions. And in the absence of legal instruments designed to guarantee ethics in their activities, they operate to maximize profits. And regulators are ok with that; they will not intervene in banks’ activities so long as overall social welfare is not sufficiently negative. But in times like this, we need to be proactive, not reactive.

We are currently in a world where we are merely trusting banks to do the right thing. Although the government is clearly aimed at providing money to those who need it most, the banks do not prioritize goals such as financial equality. Nor do they prioritize financial inclusion, which is why I have argued that we should turn to FinTech to reach financially underserved populations. It is no surprise that banks did not, and frankly could not, distribute the money in the way that Congress intended. Banks do not even owe their customers a fiduciary duty.  Simply put, the banks have no legal requirement that imposes strict responsibilities upon them and prohibits them from competing with customers’ interests or taking advantage of customers’ opportunities. That must change.